After a good opening night in Vegas we all felt this was the true start. We had yet to play a show east of Nevada or Arizona and that all changed Friday night. Vincent took the wheel for a second day in a row and drove the almost 8 hours to Salt Lake City again. Vince can stay awake like a champ. The southern part of the drive was beautiful. It reminded me of the Sedona landscape and many pics. We forgot to take the time change into account so we were pushing it on making it to sound check. Checked into the hotel, changed and bolted for the Piper Down Pub.
We were pleasantly surprised with Piper Down. We could tell right away this was gonna be a great Friday night show. Dave was very welcoming to us and so was the staff. They made us feel right at home. The venue was awesome! A good stage, high ceilings, great sound by John and the crowd stayed lively the whole 3 hours that we played. The merch sales were solid. We also put up our brand new banner for the first time and it really fit well with the look on stage. I feel we played really well for the second show of the tour. Got all the jitter bugs out on opening night. Our yet to be titled tour van’s “check engine” light turned on, but everything is running great still. So we finally made it east of Nevada and we like it so far…next stop Denver!
– Beau Gray