America is famous for rock n’ roll, as well as it’s pastime, baseball. We were lucky enough to get to see Busch Stadium but even luckier to see the great Wrigley Field. Sure the game was worse than a little league game played by blind monkeys but that’s what I’m told is the real Cubs experience. This ballpark is one of the most iconic parks in baseball with the ivy covered outfield wall and the grandstand seating bringing us back to the days of gangsters running horses. Tony from the Fisticuffs joined us for his first game on the north side of Chicago and being from the south side (Sox fan), he felt a couple thousand miles from home. The sights and sounds of the ballpark included bleachers on top of businesses and houses beyond the outfield bleachers that are famous and without the proper ticket you can’t even pass the security guards stopping all guests and tourists. The L-Train that transports Chicagoans back and forth from home and work would pass the stadium every fifteen minutes. The rain started to fall after the sun went down and we had an amazing view of pennant flags waiving in the wind and drops of rain falling sideways in front of the lights. The final score was 10 to 1, Astros over Cubs. We saw the two worst teams in baseball, but I feel we saw one of the last remaining legends in the sport today, Wrigley Field.