The CD Release Show – Part One

Ok, let me tell you how this works … Every week we practice on Wednesday night in a tiny blue shack called YORE Studio located just off of Rosecrans behind San Diego’s very own “Nude Girls.” Most people would mistake this tiny little shack as an old abandoned drug den with a pretty blue paint…


The big day is here!   This Sunday at Belly Up Tavern we will celebrate the release of our brand new, full length album, NO MAN’S WAR!!!   We have a new line of t-shirts and hats for sale too!  Joining us at the show will be Cash’d Out, so you know it is gonna be a…

Banding Together

Come see us TONIGHT at the Belly Up Tavern with Steph Johnson and Tolan Shaw!  We will be playing a fundraiser for the group Banding Together to super music therapy.  Our own fiddle shredder, Cami Smith,  is a music therapist by trade and using the power of music she is able to help children and…

The Calm Before The Storm

It’s nearing 8 o’clock and the anticipation for the show is growing steadily as concert goers flood the Belly Up. I am fidgeting like usual wondering about backstage with a cold Corona in my hand. If you thought I was an anxious person to begin with, double that and slap a shit-eating grin on my…

Lexington Field & Old Man Markley!

The big show at Belly Up Tavern is TOMORROW (Thursday, February 7) nighT! Doors are at 7 PM and we take the stage at 8! Back in December we had the opportunity to play with Old Man Markley at the Slidebar in Fullerton. The show was packed, and we had a blast. Well, good fortune…