WOW! It has been one amazing week!!! Lexington Field just had one of the biggest weeks of their lives. We started out with our CD release through New Folk Records on March 13, followed up by a great show at Saint Rocke in Hermosa Beach with the Young Dubliners. Our very own Hooley’s show in Rancho San Diego on Thurs., March 15, where Lexington Field had it’s start. It is like home there since most of the band is from East County and all our friends and family made it out! But, wait it didn’t stop there, we then had the privilege of sharing the stage with Sprung Monkey on Friday, March 16 at Kegs and Eggs for radio station Rock 105.3 at Hooley’s in La Mesa. And to top off the week we played on St. Patrick’s Day at Henry’s Pub downtown San Diego and opened up for the Young Dubliners once again at Shamrock Festival! Now, if you missed any of that excitement, we then closed out the week officially with an interview on Sophie 103.7 on March 18 to plug our CD Release show coming up this weekend.
This past week was absolutely epic with the talent we had the privilege of sharing the stage with. The Young Dubliners are oldies, but goodies in my book. They really know how to bring the crowd and engage them in some of their best music such as Rosie and Backseat Driver. I just had to dance and sing along when I heard those tunes! And, it didn’t stop there, they had the amazing Eric Rigler play the pipes to Braveheart during their sets, which was incredible. It’s always such a blast to share the stage with these musicians. I look forward to the next mini tour with them!!!
Now, I have not kept up with Sprung Monkey or really even listened to them much, but, they certainly surprised me on Friday. They have not played much in many years, but to see the kind of show they put on was pretty incredible. They have a great following and many of those fans were at Hooley’s in La Mesa up front and center. One of my favorite songs is their new song, “Conspiracy”. It is true American Rock and really makes you want to ‘punch someone in the face’. Although, I would never do that, the sound and beat of this song is so driving that it makes you feel that way. They are a local band here in San Diego so go check them out! They are true rockstars!!!
And then there was Shamrock!!! There really was not a better way to finish off the week then playing at Shamrock Festival with the Young Dubliners! The day started out pretty dicey, since it rained all day long. Well, that certainly did not stop Shamrock or those loyal music fans from showing up and making it one of the best days of the year. We had quite an amazing turnout for the event! It was almost like the leprechauns were watching over us because when Lexington Field took the stage there was no rain and the crowd was miles long. Starting our set out with Dropkick Murphy’s song, Shipping Up to Boston was probably one of the best starter songs because it riled up the crowd to make a bigger circle pit for moshing. We kept our set upbeat, which had the crowd go nuts, considering there were so many people stage diving into the crowd and then I come to find out after the show that two people broke their legs during our set and went out on stretchers. What? Crazy, right! That’s just how we like to rock!!!! We certainly do bring quite a show and have a great time doing it.

After this epic show, we had the privilege of going into Sophie 103.7 and had an interview with Mookie. He played a couple of our favorites from our new EP, Poor Troubled Life. If you didn’t get to hear that live, then you have another opportunity to come hear us and pick up our new CD. We will be playing our CD Release Show at Ruby Room in Hillcrest this Sat., March 24th! We will be sharing the stage with our good friends, Hoist the Colors and another great band, Black Market III. You don’t want to miss this show! Our other great friends, Just Like Jenna will close out the show for us. Come check out Lexington Field at Ruby Room and pick up the new CD!!! Thanks to all of you that came out this past weekend. We had a blast and look forward to rocking your socks off this weekend!!! Come out to the show and enjoy some true American Fiddle Rock ☺
– Cami Smith
1271 University Ave
(between Richmond St & Vermont St)
San Diego, CA 92103
Neighborhood: Hillcrest
(619) 299-7372